One reason Cats purr and Authors write; both love attention. Multi-Author Giveaway Day five


Christian book giveaway 23-29 April 2017

Great chance to win 23 Christian books

or $50 amazon gift card  

(books might be paperback or ebook)

Entry code below after all my nonsense.

If you have a cat you will know that they adore being the boss and the centre of attention. My cat does everything she can to get noticed, to the point of wrecking furniture, treasured items and anything else she can lay her paws on. But we love her.

Christian book giveaway 23-29 April

Writers love attention too because they enjoy writing books that readers love. They take hours, days, weeks, months even years to produce their masterpieces. All to be read in a few hours, days, weeks (if you are a slow reader like me), not knowing exactly the effort that it has taken to produce the book(s)! Show that you love them by taking a moment to review that book you have just read.

Cracking Multi-Author Giveaway 23-29 April

Regardless of this, Authors continue to craft for YOU the reader. They have even got together to produce this Multi-Author Giveaway. Yes, books upon ebooks (a mixture) just for YOU. Oh, and a $50 amazon gift card - mustn't forget that!

Amazing Multi-Author Giveaway 23-29 April

Ok, so you have looked at my lovely pictures and read my musings now for the fun bit. The Entry link is

Fine Print: This giveaway begins on April 23 and ends April 29. No purchase is necessary. This giveaway is in no way connected with Facebook. Please read the terms and conditions prior to entering.

Now check out the lovely Authors who are contributing to this Giveaway. Hey don't slink off to just enter the promo, don't forget Authors love attention, and they are a fantastic race who give you action, romance, thrills and spills. Just like my cat!

Misty M. Beller, Author - The Lady and The Mountain Man                      📕📗📘📙

Cathe Swanson - Baggage Claim                                        
Tamera Lynn Kraft - Alice's Notions                                                                     ðŸ“šðŸ“šðŸ“šðŸ“š

Sydney Tooman Betts - A River Too DeepLight Birds Song,                         📙📘📗📕

Kathy Ide, Author/Editor - 21 Days of Grace                                          📚📙📚📘

Author Laura V. Hilton - The Amish Wanderer                                         ðŸ“•ðŸ“šðŸ“—📚

Caryl McAdoo - A Vow Unbroken                                                           ðŸ“—📙📘

Thank you for checking out this bunch, I really appreciate it.

We love our readers and would love you to read our books.
Thank you for entering this great Giveaway

I hope you are successful


You can also find me on:

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Thursday, 27 April 2017

One reason Cats purr and Authors write; both love attention. Multi-Author Giveaway Day five


Christian book giveaway 23-29 April 2017

Great chance to win 23 Christian books

or $50 amazon gift card  

(books might be paperback or ebook)

Entry code below after all my nonsense.

If you have a cat you will know that they adore being the boss and the centre of attention. My cat does everything she can to get noticed, to the point of wrecking furniture, treasured items and anything else she can lay her paws on. But we love her.

Christian book giveaway 23-29 April

Writers love attention too because they enjoy writing books that readers love. They take hours, days, weeks, months even years to produce their masterpieces. All to be read in a few hours, days, weeks (if you are a slow reader like me), not knowing exactly the effort that it has taken to produce the book(s)! Show that you love them by taking a moment to review that book you have just read.

Cracking Multi-Author Giveaway 23-29 April

Regardless of this, Authors continue to craft for YOU the reader. They have even got together to produce this Multi-Author Giveaway. Yes, books upon ebooks (a mixture) just for YOU. Oh, and a $50 amazon gift card - mustn't forget that!

Amazing Multi-Author Giveaway 23-29 April

Ok, so you have looked at my lovely pictures and read my musings now for the fun bit. The Entry link is

Fine Print: This giveaway begins on April 23 and ends April 29. No purchase is necessary. This giveaway is in no way connected with Facebook. Please read the terms and conditions prior to entering.

Now check out the lovely Authors who are contributing to this Giveaway. Hey don't slink off to just enter the promo, don't forget Authors love attention, and they are a fantastic race who give you action, romance, thrills and spills. Just like my cat!

Misty M. Beller, Author - The Lady and The Mountain Man                      📕📗📘📙

Cathe Swanson - Baggage Claim                                        
Tamera Lynn Kraft - Alice's Notions                                                                     ðŸ“šðŸ“šðŸ“šðŸ“š

Sydney Tooman Betts - A River Too DeepLight Birds Song,                         📙📘📗📕

Kathy Ide, Author/Editor - 21 Days of Grace                                          📚📙📚📘

Author Laura V. Hilton - The Amish Wanderer                                         ðŸ“•ðŸ“šðŸ“—📚

Caryl McAdoo - A Vow Unbroken                                                           ðŸ“—📙📘

Thank you for checking out this bunch, I really appreciate it.

We love our readers and would love you to read our books.
Thank you for entering this great Giveaway

I hope you are successful


You can also find me on:

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