When I had to give up my job I didn't know what God was doing. But my questions of what He was doing in my life needed to be answered and they couldn't be while I was too busy doing other things. It was not easy giving up work as I felt I was loosing my independence and the contribution to the family income. I also wrongly thought that my value was in the position I had in my employment.
With the distraction of work gone God stepped up and was able to start work on the areas of my life that needed changing for his honour and glory. I can honestly say that my life has changed enormously since opening my life completely to God's will for me. I have had the privilege of seeing his healing working through me and then being used by God to heal others. Seeing many wounded sons and daughters of the King and praying with them for healing has been awesome. The breakthrough has always been when we have prayed for forgiveness, forgiveness for believing the devil's lies, forgiveness for not listening to God's truths and forgiveness for those who have hurt us, praying for them and thanking God for them even though they have damaged us. With the holy spirit taking control of our lives and the darkness exposed, released and sent to hell for all eternity God totally changes our life. The light literally glows in those who accept this opportunity to change. I am so privileged to be part of His plan to bring this healing message to others. God is so awesome and I a fragmented vessel whom He has chosen to use like the disciples, ordinary men, to be the hands of the Father. I know I am not worthy, but He has made me worthy through His sacrifice. Working for the King is so much more fulfilling than for my former employer. I may not have any money, title or statue in the world of work, but that does not matter anymore as I am doing what God wants me to do.