Each day I wake up,I know that I can not cope with the day's challenges, unless God is in my life. I know that all the stresses and worries that dog my footsteps will take away my peace and cause me to doubt.
Because I have inherited the doubting gene, the gene that chips away at my confidence, my self esteem, my peace.
When I am insulted, rejected, shunned, verbally abused or disrespected I take it personally.
Then I start to doubt my worth and listen to the lies instead of remembering that God has made me worthy through His Hope.
With God in my life I can challenge the lies and because the doubt is inherited it needs to be challenged by daily prayer.
Father you give me worth
You are my Hope.
My deliverer from the words
And actions
Of the enemy who slithers
In under the radar.
Your cross destroys all lies.
Penetrate my life
With your Love and Truth.
Place Hope where doubt
Seeks to destroy
My peace.
And deliver me from
The source of all evil
God first, God always.
I praise God that He uses my weakness to strengthen me. If I were not who I am my dependence would not be on God but on myself. Recognizing my areas of need gives God the chance to empower me. Therefore my song can be:
Thank you Almighty God for Your Hope in my life today. With You everything is possible.
God bless
Labels: actions, doubt, God, hope, insulted, lies, life, peace, rejected, stresses, words, worries, worth