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Have you ever thought you were going mad?
My teen children think that all the time of me! I leave my keys in the same place and on looking for them they have disappeared! Or my phone goes missing and I have to get a responsible adult/teen to ring my number in order to find it.
Have you noticed those missing socks trying to find their partner, gloves that have wondered off into the sunset and names or words that refuse to jump off your tongue - sound familiar?
You are wondering now what this has to do with a book review. Actually, it has plenty to do with the book that I am reviewing. Madness or sanity that is the plot.
About the Book
Book title: The Girl Who could See
Author: Kara Swanson
Release date: June 1, 2017
Genre: Science Fiction/Urban Fantasy/Young Adult
All her life Fern has been told she is blind to reality—but, what if she is the only one who can truly see?
Fern Johnson is crazy. At least, that’s what the doctors have claimed since her childhood. Now nineteen, and one step away from a psych ward, Fern struggles to survive in bustling Los Angeles. Desperate to appear normal, she represses the young man flickering at the edge of her awareness—a blond warrior only she can see.
Tristan was Fern’s childhood imaginary hero, saving her from monsters under her bed and outside her walls. As she grew up and his secret world continued to bleed into hers, however, it only caused catastrophe. But, when the city is rocked by the unexplainable, Fern is forced to consider the possibility that this young man is not a hallucination after al—and that the creature who decimated his world may be coming for hers.
My penny's worth
I love the idea of having an imaginary friend, especially one that has journeyed with you over the years from childhood to late teens. My imaginary friend was Action Man, which meant he was severely hampered by needing me to act and speak for him. Fern's imaginary friend, however, is way more exciting and he speaks, moves and pops up at various intervals.
The Characters
Fern dislikes her waitressing job but it gives the author ample scope to play around with some fun incidences. Fern would rather be in the background as she quotes “I’d learned quickly, the best way to survive was quietly.” However, as a waitress who lingers on the periphery of madness drawing attention is no way to hide. If you splatter a customer with their dinner, the incident is bound to draw attention!
Tristan is a likeable young man, his strength and dedication like that of a Guardian Angel, leads you into believing he will always be there for Fern. But will he?
There is also FBI Agent Barstow, Elinor, Fern's niece, a therapist and something nasty to feast your imagination on.
My favourite sentence
This has to be when Tristan tells Fern, "“You are the only one on this planet who is truly whole.”
Did I like this book?
I enjoyed the pace and the “is she or isn’t she mad?” element. I liked the underlying subtle Christian message. I did find a "wow" moment which took my breath away, but you will have to read the book to shout, "Oh yes!" at the appropriate time. The overall plot was simple but the writing and action drew me into the book and kept me reading.
Would I recommend this book?
I enjoy YA so being able to review this book is a treat. It is all about relationships, whom to trust and who not to. If you want a story that is about the underdog with self-esteem issues and battling against the odds then grab a copy.
One small note I was a bit disappointed with the ending, however, if you come and meet Fern and Tristan I am sure you will love them. So it is a "YES" from me.
*I received this book for free. No compensation was received and all opinions are my own.*
About the Author
As the daughter of missionaries, KARA SWANSON spent sixteen years of her young life in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. Able to relate with characters dropped suddenly into a unique new world, she quickly fell in love with the speculative genre and was soon penning stories herself. At seventeen, she independently published her debut fantasy novel, Pearl of Merlydia. Her short story is included in Kathy Ide’s 21 Days of Joy: Stories that Celebrate Mom. She has published many articles, including one in the Encounter magazine, and she received the Mount Hermon Most Promising Teen Writer award in 2015.
Guest Post from Kara Swanson
Did you have an imaginary friend growing up? I did. And I think most of us probably understood what it was like to use our childhood imaginations to create friends and take us places.
The Girl Who Could See follows Fern Johnson, a young woman who’s imaginary friend, Tristan, first appeared in her life when she was eight years old—and has never left. Now nineteen, Fern still sees Tristan, only he is no longer her friend. Now he is her curse. The source of her insanity. The reason Fern cannot keep a job and has been passed from one psychologist to another. The reason she is one step away from a psych ward. However, Tristan disagrees. He says that he’s not a figment of Fern’s imagination and is determined to prove it. But, if his existence is real, it has dangerous implications not only for Fern, but for her world. Because the creature that decimated Tristan’s planet is coming for Earth—and only the girl everyone says is crazy can stop it.
I wrote the novella as a way to explore the idea of what would happen if someone had an imaginary friend who never left. What would the psychological and daily implications be? And what if that imaginary friend wasn’t imaginary? The story that grew from those sparks of ideas became an adventure that I hope you’ll enjoy as much as I did. 
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