The meaning of life as I said before is Love. God's love for us and our response in returning that love.
So often we take time with questions that really are not that important. For example did God create the universe or did it begin with a big bang? When we explore the meaning of life in the context of God's love this question just is not at the top of the list of questions that we need to ask.
So what is at the top of the list?
Well we already know that God wanted us in His world, that is why he created us. So it doesn't matter the where or whys of how this came about.
We know that God's love for us gave us a second chance when we disobeyed him and had to leave His paradise.
Therefore, one question that comes to my mind is, what kind of love is capable of seeing only amazing goodness in a species that persecutes, destroys and kills its own kind as well as everything else on the planet?
That Love could only come from a Heart that radiates its own love and allows it to pulsate in the hearts of His creation. That Love alone could recognize His own love no matter how minuet its manifestation in its creation, overlooking all the darkness, and embracing only goodness. Only that Love could embody His son in a human form and allow mankind a glimpse into the almighty love that is hungering for us.
So perhaps the question at the top of list, ought to be, how do we connect with this awesome power of Love?
Of course we have the Bible, the Word of God, that tells us constantly of God's love. But there is more and this is experienced through the accounts of the transfiguration, the power that Jesus felt drawn from him by the touch of a human hand. The miracles, the eyes being opened on the road to Emmaus and the heart burning as Jesus spoke. This connection with the all powerful Love. This is available today, in our lives, in our hearts, that can draw us into unity with the one perfect Love that exists and created us to be transmitters of His Love.
We have been made to draw others into this amazing Love, to experience this incredible Love, to give of this Love. When we meet with God's heart our heart will be transformed, the meaning of our life will be apparent as it will be united in love, united with the One who made us. There is no greater achievement than to be united with our Creator, with the Love that only sees love in everything.