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Tuesday, 28 February 2017

How to make a difference - review a Christian book and make an author happy!

Margaret Kazmierczak writes about family life in a Christian household

That book you had published, how's it going? 

A deafening silence fills the room with the anticipated answer. A nervous shuffle, lips parting then closing again as the right words are being formulated, then dismissed. 

That well?

So often no news is good news, but in the case of a book that has tormented the author with blood and tears during the years of writing and trying to get it published, no news is definitely not good news.  

You see sales but no reviews - oh how I can relate, do you?

Reviewers wanted - make an author happy 😃 sign up here for free and review my book "How to Make Victoria Sponge." This is not a recipe book but a journal about life in a Christian family:


Margaret Kazmierczak writes on reader writing a review.

So what is happening? 

  • Did you like it and just forget to review it?
  • Read it and decided better to say nothing in case you upset the author? 
  • Simply started it and put it down finding it useful as a door stop.
  • Put it on your "to read" pile that might get read in five years time!
  • Maybe it fell down behind the bedside cabinet and is collecting dust waiting to be remembered and retrieved.
  • Perhaps the beginning didn't hook you and you found a more interesting book to read instead.

Meanwhile, the author, the creator of the work, waits patiently for the reviews to come..... Is anyone out there? 😞

Margaret Kazmierczak talks about readers writing a review.

Reviewers wanted - make an author happy 😊 sign up here for free and review my book "How to Make Victoria Sponge." This is not a recipe book but a journal about life in a Christian family: 

The market is flooded with books, so much choice and what to choose. Reviews help with that choice. You are making a huge difference by taking a moment to comment, good or bad on a book you have enjoyed or been dissatisfied with. Your opinion does matter.

What happens when you review a book? 

  • You bring that book to the attention of others whether it is a good or bad review.
  • Your review may influence others in deciding whether or not to buy the book.
  • You will help the ratings.
  • You will help the author understand if she has connected with her readers and that the book is not propping up a wobbly table. 
  • Your opinion will matter in the future when the author undergoes her next 'work in progress'.
  • You may not make the author rich, but she will be very grateful that you have taken the time to comment on the novel. 😄

At this point, the author may well be jumping up and down, it does not take too much to please this particular author. You, my readers, are a delight to write for. 

Margaret Kazmierczak talking on how book reviews are essential for the good of a novel.

Reviewers wanted - make an author happy 😊 sign up here for free and review my book "How to Make Victoria Sponge." This is not a recipe book but a journal about life in a Christian family:


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Thursday, 16 February 2017

When you are on the bottom rung - the only way is up

Bottom rung days

I am having one of those bottom rung days and the only way forward means going up. Sitting on the bottom rung is comfortable, it is safe albeit lonely. Everyone else seems far away perched on their crossbars surrounded by clouds. Laughing from their vantage point. Can I climb that high and experience the same joy?

Bottom rung days often become new beginnings


Why do mountains look so awesome from a distance, and yet petrifying close up? The shear stableness of its structure beckons and towers over me. To look at it from afar it seems conquerable, but the closer I get the fear begins to set in. Bottom ladder days are like that. 

Moving up

Taking the first step is scary, it means committing to moving up. To believing in a better goal. This is like writing. The blank page awaiting words, inspiration. It taunts me, saying you can't do this. Climbing the ladder takes courage, great effort and seems completely out of my reach. I can hear the pen laughing. Write if you dare. 

Do I dare?

You cannot be a writer if you don't dare. The bottom of the ladder is no place for creativity. Comfortable and safe do not go hand in hand with adventure. So if I want to see the results of my creation I need to climb one step at a time towards the clouds. 

Looking up

I don't like looking down as I climb, it makes me feel dizzy. Looking up and forward gives me an idea of how closer I am getting to my goal. To the joy that others are experiencing on their higher rungs. I hear their cheers as each step brings me nearer, their enthusiasm for my success infectious. I can do this as long as I believe in myself. 

Snakes and ladders

There will of course be times of snakes and ladders when I hit a snake, tumbling down and starting again from a new square further down the board. Except this time I know I can climb up again as I have done it before. Bottom rung days will come and go. What is important is that I keep trying and with determination, I will climb that high and experience the same joy. 

"But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded." 2 Chronicles 15:7

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Sunday, 12 February 2017

Brawny and Flap and the spaghetti bolognaise incident

Am I the only one who hears voices?

Okay so being a late fiftyager has not done anything for my forgetfulness. In fact, it is climbing to new heights. Take for example the other day. Oh, and who are Brawny and Flap?

The evening meal was ready to be dished up 

I took out the dinner plates from the cupboard above me. Carefully placing the spaghetti bolognaise on the top one I proceeded to take it into the dining room. As I turned and made a step forward (and this is better if viewed in cartoon form) my eyes suddenly realized that I was about to smash into the cupboard door that I forgot to close.

My head stops within a millimeter of the door

Super emergency brakes Brawny that was close - my body continued, then decided that it would prefer staying attached to my head - indeed Flap. However, the spaghetti bol and plate sailed separately onward and smashed into the wall. - Flying splatter Brawny, that is not good. I closed the cupboard door and moved towards the mess - definitely not good Flap - and slipped on a stray piece of spaghetti ending up on parade alongside the new wall decoration.
The kitchen door began to open - startling entrances Brawny this is not going to end up well.

I yelled, ‘don’t come in’

But a foot connected with the slippery substance and my hubby flew past and crash landed - Flap, I think we have a bad case of slipitus. Not to worry Brawny I will use my cape to boldly go where no man has gone before. Or perhaps not, spag bol would clash with my colour coordinated pants and tightsMaybe Flap, but we have to do something

A voice came from the other side of the door 

"What’s going on?" Trying to warn my daughter that we had a slight problem, I reiterated the warning, "don’t come…." too late. Another body slipped past but this time gracefully recovered gliding along the floor ending up with a ‘ta dar’, arms stretched out in a state of gymnastic pose. - Lightning gymnastics Brawny, she is good. Yes, I think we have our solution Flap.

Extending her hands, a confident spaghetti skater helped me stand up as I wobbled to a high stool. Next, she did the same for my hubby. Next sticky strips of pasta were peeled off the floor and thrown away, the wall quickly washed down, smashed plate pieces collected and dinner once again ready to be dished up. My daughter told me to strip off and frumpy clothes were found for me to change into  - Speedy quick thinking Brawny, I think our work is done here. Yes Flap, another successful cleanup. Biff, baff, boff, time to put our feet up.
And the moral of this tale, forgetfulness can be dangerous, so remember friends, don’t leave cupboard doors open. 
Now, where have those pesky superhero's gone, I want a word with them. 

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Thursday, 9 February 2017

How to crack waking up in the morning

Do you have trouble waking up in the morning, well here are a few tips to help you?

  • Buy a pet - cats or dogs are brilliant at waking you up. Their persistence knows no bounds. A face full of slobber from a dog is a sure way to wake you up. Being stabbed by a cat's claws has the same effect. 

  • Have children - this will permanently work as each morning their bright faces excited about a new day will be thrust into your face until you get up. If this does not work then their constant bouncing on exhausted body ought to.

  • Use a silly alarm - my favourite was a train that screamed at you "get up the train is leaving" hooting continually. Unfortunately it got smashed by my husband who didn't want to get up at the same time as me.

  • Forget to tidy your bed of lego or biscuit crumbs - sharp objects or irritating bits of food cause irritability to the body, thus making the bed uncomfortable to stay asleep in. Getting up and cleaning it will make you get out of bed.

  • Sleep in a room with a dripping tap - this annoying noise will repeatedly irritate you during the night and morning will be a blessed relief when you get up.

  • Buy a recording of a baby crying - that maternal or paternal instinct will kick in willing you to nurture the baby, until of course you realize you don't have an infant in need of your help. Heyho you are awake so you may as well get up!

Have I missed a great tip? Include your own in the comments. Happy waking up in the morning.


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