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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Another review for "How to make Victoria Sponge".

A big thank you to Dana who herself has written a wonderful book called "In the Cleft: Joy comes in the Mourning" - her book is definitely  well worth reading. 

Review written on Goodreads and Amazon.com


's review  
Oct 28, 14

5 out of 5 stars 

Read in October, 2014

Margaret Kazmierczak's book How to make Victoria Sponge was incredibly compelling. I fell in love with the Sponge family. The character, Victoria Sponge, continually responds to life's messiness with love and grace. 

In the most heart wrenching moments in the book, especially after her son Johnny is maliciously bullied at school, Vicki turns to Jesus so his love can smooth over all the rough spots. I found myself laughing and crying about the daily events this family came up against, yet how graciously Bob and Victoria (the mother and father) responded to their children and to their day-to-day challenges. 

One quote that was highlighted to me in the book was when, after a really traumatizing day, Victoria says, "may I have planted [Jesus'] seed into the lives 
of others through my work and actions, so that when [Jesus'] rain shines upon them they produce a rich harvest." To me, this is the theme of the book--seeds being planted even on the weariest of days. Nothing can interfere with Christ's love being lived out on a day-to-day basis. 

On her most gritty day, Victoria has her evening prayer and Jesus says to her, "Vicki, I asked you to be with me in the Garden of Gethsemane, to stay awake and be of comfort to me in my time of anguish. You were not found asleep or failing in your response." Vicki then asks, "When was I in Gethsemane Lord?" He gently responds, "When you listened to your son's anguish I was weeping too and when your heart was breaking at the sight of your son's agony, my sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood." 

Victoria's intimacy with Jesus during her most trying moments is what made me love this book so much. We can all find ourselves in this book, and in doing so we can live our lives differently, full of grace and hope and love even during despairing times. I would highly recommend getting to know the Sponge family in this beautifully written book.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Wow what a review of my book!

Praise God for such a wonderful review of my book called "How to make Victoria Sponge". 

I hope more people will find this book and be blessed by it through this review. 

Review posted by Traci Lawrence on Amazon.com kindle version. http://www.amazon.com/How-make-Victoria-Sponge-journey-ebook/dp/B00NKDCWEG/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1414150736&sr=1-1

This book is powerful in so many ways that I don’t even know where to begin! A major part of its power is in its uniqueness. I love the mixture of intense themes and slapstick humor. Specifically, I love the mixture of messages learned through comic situations and tragic situations.
The main character, Victoria Sponge, works in a preschool. This is the vehicle that the author uses to sweetly teach us some important life lessons. A few of the skills that Victoria learns from her students follow: stay grounded, live in the present, take a hands-on approach to life, keep it simple, be humble, be pure, and trust in God.
Some of the important issues addressed in the book include bullying and dealing with mental challenges.
The book is full of wonderful quotes. My favorites are “With Me everything is possible for those that believe.”; “Take something positive from a situation even when it presents itself in a negative form.”, and; “Never underestimate your potential.”
The ending of the book was completely unexpected, mind-blowing, and empowering. It was so unique and profound that it moved me to tears. To say that it really made me think would be an understatement.

I highly recommend this book to all!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

When we have good intentions


It is hard to be rejected when your heart is in the right place and your thoughts are only to offer others a slice of something that will encourage and bless the person(s) who will read the contents of your offerings.

Such was a recent experience when I approached a Christian magazine who only saw my attempt as one of blatant advertising of my product. And my crime, asking if the magazine would like a free copy for them to review. The answer was abrupt, 'no we do not want to review your book', and as an afterthought 'but we wish you the best with it'. 

I can almost hear the Pharisees and the High Priests saying the same thing to Jesus. 'No we don't want to hear your message, but good luck with the Kingdom thing'.  

How can you know if something is for you if you don't even give it a try? If you don't open the book and read it. The same can be said of the Bible. Once you have read it (or feasted on the fruit of the content) then surely you are in a better position to make a decision. 

People rejected Jesus and He had a Kingdom to offer, so it isn't surprising that a humble first time author will be rejected. What did he do with the rejection? He carried it to cross and by His blood it was set free. Hope for me then! 

God bless 


Thursday, 9 October 2014

A small story with a big message.

A Jewel in the Sponge - Johnny's story

So far I have not mentioned the 'added extra' that comes at the back of the book "How to make Victoria Sponge." 

Once I had finished Vicki's account of her week, I knew that Johnny's story needed to be told as well in order to encourage other's who struggle with being different. 

In the main body of the Victoria Sponge's book, Johnny writes a letter to his mum. It bought tears to my eyes as I wrote and read it back to myself. It reminded me of the difficult times I  had had as a child. No one wants to be a square pin in a round hole especially not a teenager. But there are many adults who experience this feeling deep down too and grapple with self doubt, unworthiness, low self esteem or think themselves unimportant or not good enough. 

This small book is for all of God's children who need encouragement and a greater insight into God's awesome love for those that are different. In His eyes everyone is equal and enormously lovable. 

After writing the letter Johnny receives a visit during the night from God who takes him on a very important journey. 

I hope you will decide to go on that journey too and be hugged by Johnny's story. 

To wet your appetite here is Johnny's letter.....

    “Dear Mum  
   I am sorry for the things I said to you. I don’t hate you mum, I just get so angry inside with myself for being me. I don’t understand who I am, but thank you for your love, for knowing my limitations and accepting them.
   I feel like I am serving a life term in prison. I see you standing out of reach; I try to reach you but my body and mind are trapped behind the bars. I stretch my arms as far as possible but the bars prevent me from reaching you, from hugging you, showing my true feelings. I am a prisoner unable to escape the cell of my disability.
   I long to be free to express my inner self, to be part of your world, to join in and be like everyone else. I hate being different, trapped in a parallel world. A world alien to you and the family. Seeing, unable to partake. There is no key, not even a lock to put a key into, no release.
   I am a reluctant prisoner, confined indefinitely, with no reprieve date. What heinous crime have I committed to be serving this sentence? How do I find freedom?
   I may not show it but I do love you, I always have.
  Thanks for hanging in there for me.