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Friday, 28 October 2016

Ebook giveaway

From 27th October - 1st November

Ebook giveaway

Here is your chance to win a free ebook of How to Make Victoria Sponge

Don't be shy

For a limited time only 

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Thursday, 20 October 2016

Blog Tour summary of "How to make Victoria Sponge"

Blog tour summary of 

"How to Make Victoria Sponge"

First of all I have to thank Celebrate Lit Publicity Group  for their wonderful tour and support. The success of the tour, its preparation and delivery has been exceptional. 

The summary of the tour is as follows:

Celebrate Lit Celebration Tour Summary
How to Make Victoria Sponge by Margaret Kazmierczak

To: Margaret Kazmierczak
From: Celebrate Lit Publicity Group
Re: How to Make Victoria Sponge

This is the Celebration Tour Summary report for How to Make Victoria Sponge by Margaret Kazmierczak. It has been a pleasure working with you and we look forward to partnering with you in the future.

PromoSimple Giveaway
Giveaway link: https://promosimple.com/ps/a416
Giveaway started: September 28
Giveaway ended: October 14
Entries: 807
Grand prize of a themed gift bag containing an apron, whisk, Bible, and a limited 1st edition paperback copy of How to Make Victoria Sponge: Debbie Curto.
1st - 3rd prizes of a Limited 1st edition paperback copy of How to Make Victoria Sponge: Deana Dick, Linda Lujan, Alicia Simmons. 
4th & 5th prizes: of a How to Make Victoria Sponge ebook: Melissa Henderson, Kim Hansen

Tweets: 3,214 direct tweets
Facebook Shares: 202 direct shares

Celebration Tour: 09/28-10/12
Number of Participants signed up: 14 bloggers
Number of posts completed: 14 Bloggers
Number of people reached through CelebrateLit bloggers: 189,914


A Reader’s Brain says:
Endearing and one of a kind . . . How To Make Victoria Sponge will make you laugh, cry, and delight you all at the same time! The British vernacular incorporated was a welcome surprise and was such a nice aspect of the book- I felt the sudden need to have hot tea while reading :) This is such a unique book because it's so relatable to any mother or wife and all the chaos that comes along with it though you love each person that causes the chaos. It's also unique because it's not written like your typical book- it is more of a chronicle of events that happen in Victoria's life and how she responds to the stress and happy events that come her way. We learn that simply saying Yes to the Lord on a daily basis brings Him great joy and glorifies Him. We learn that being a mom and wife is ok even if we feel like our lives are just mediocre, because God is pleased with us simply trusting Him and obeying Him. He sees us all as special, unique children of His no matter how simple our lives may seem when we glorify Him with our actions. He loves to speak to His children as we communicate to Him which we see so clearly in Victoria's monologue of prayer and the Lord's response. Honestly, this book felt like as much of an inspirational devotional as it was a heartwarming read. We see how Victoria rises above the stress to be a loving wife and mother, a loving, supportive daughter of aging parents, a friend who is there in times of grief, and more all because she learns to constantly communicate with the Lord and meditate on His strength and His words to provide strength and direction. While we all know that we need to constantly depend upon, communicate, and meditate upon the Lord, this book actually challenged me to realize how much being aware of the presence of the Lord is a need in my life. You will be completely delighted with this book from all aspects of its' wonderful surprises. Thank you for an inspiring, emotionally packed, heartwarming read Mrs. Kazmierczak! :)

History, Mystery & Faith says:
How to Make Victoria Sponge is a fictional story, yet has the feel of a devotional memoir. Written in the first person, it is a "day in the life" of Christian, wife, mother, day care worker, and friend Victoria Sponge (also a popular dessert which was a fun analogy) who greets each day with humor and grace. She doesn't sugarcoat her experiences, so we see her failures and her fears as well as her successes. Her prayers are more like conversations with God, and they color every aspect of her life, so when tragedy strikes she draws strength from her relationship to Him, enabling her to bear up. The format of narrative interspersed with prayer is unusual but effective, allowing the reader to get deep inside Victoria's head. I enjoyed the characters who were unique and well-developed.

Bukwurmzzz says:
Vicki Sponge is a character I could relate to.  She is a normal woman with a husband, four children, and a part-time job.  She has everyday difficulties.  One of her sons has problems that cause her and her husband great stress.  Even her friend is having a difficult time. Through it all, Vicki has open communication with God. I loved how throughout this entire story, Vicki was speaking to God.  She praised Him, asked for help, and even told Him she did not want to talk at the moment.  This was a reminder to me that we need to ‘pray without ceasing.’  That’s exactly what Vicki did.  The author did a great job in portraying this character and her family.  She reveals that life gets messy and yet we are to remain faithful to our Father in Heaven.

Artistic Nobody says:
I had the wonderful opportunity to review this book. Let me just say that it has become one of my favorite books. As I was reading this, I found myself laughing and crying alongside Victoria. Her characters are easy to relate to, and they feel so realistic (this is one feature I always look for in fiction). One of my favorite things about this book is how Victoria prays as various trials or joys come her way. She is no way perfect, but she strives look to God in everything she does. If you haven’t purchased a copy of this book yet, I highly suggest you go out and purchase a copy right now!

Quiet Quilter says:
I must say that I just wasn't sure what to expect from this book, after reading the title!! As my husband comes from a British background, I knew what Victoria Sponge is! It is a cake! But how can a novel be about a tasty treat?? It turns out that Victoria Sponge is NOT a cake. She is a wife and mother, one who encounters all kinds of everyday trials, as does every female in her position. This book can be considered unique in the very different angle in which the story is told. It is a tale of a British family, however as it deals with their daily lives, it also combines a devotional, prayerful activity into the most unusual situations. This novel takes us through the everyday life of a mom in England who has one wanting to laugh and cry alongside with her as she meets the trials of life. Everyone needs a part of her!! Moms, doesn't that sound familiar??  But , as we meet the bumps in the road of her life alongside her, she also reminds us that we have to take time to reflect on our Lord. We need His help to get through. This novel was a light read, enjoyable, one that makes you realize that you too must depend on the One above to keep positive.

Daysong Reflections says:
I really had no idea what a book entitled “How to Make Victoria Sponge” might be about – maybe a woman who bakes? Not exactly. Written in the form of a journal, this story is about an ordinary mother of four and what happens when she wakes each morning and responds “Yes” to whatever the Lord has planned for her day. Actually Victoria is pretty extraordinary in the way she relates each and every thing that happens throughout her day to God. In many ways, I had difficulty with this book. First of all, the style is not my usual cup of tea. I am one who enjoys a good dialogue between characters. There were times that I just couldn’t relate to the character because her thought process was so different than my own. But…”How to Make Victoria Sponge” did make me think…especially about my own shortcomings and how just maybe I need to be more open to the Lord’s leading myself. And sometimes, maybe the Lord has me read a book that is out of my comfort zone because He has something to teach me through it. Victoria was a unique character and so inclined to one disaster after another. Written in a different style, some of her exploits would have been pure slapstick. But at the end of the day, no matter what had happened, Victoria knew she had done her best in the sight of her Lord. And that is exactly what we all should aspire to.

Mary Hake says:
This book is unique. I don’t recall ever reading a novel that combines appropriate, heartfelt prayers for the situations that arise in the characters’ lives. The Sponge family lives in England, so you get the British flavor and terms too, making it fun for American readers. I connected with Victoria, aka Vicki, and her desire to please the Lord. Her four active children (including three teens, one whom appears to be autistic) keep her hopping, and running to her Heavenly Father. I appreciate the sincerity and honesty she portrays, but could do without some of the TMI bodily functions, etc. Identity is one of the themes addressed in this rollicking story. Vicki seeks to find balance in her roles as wife, mother, preschool teacher, daughter of aging parents, and friend. Those around her have many needs, which tug at her heart and time. Each of her children have their own self-issues. This realistic look at daily life—with all that occurs in just seven days—syncs with Christ’s suffering during the week leading to His death. The tone remains hopeful and the tale helpful for anyone facing trials. It serves as a great example of how to draw lessons from the mess of everyday and grow spiritually. I think you could also just (re)read the prayers for inspiration.

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations says:
Victoria Sponge is a fictional character but she is a picture of any Christian wife and mother. Each day our Heavenly Father has a personal message to Victoria. I must also say that I especially relate to her because she is just like me in that she falls and bumps her head repeatedly, it is fun to read about someone just like me. The chapters are the days of the week and start out with a morning prayer and there is an afternoon prayer and an evening prayer. Then it tells about the troubles of the day and we read Victoria's prayers to God and learn how she turns everything to thankfulness to Our Saviour and asks Him to help her to always remember the lessons that day's struggles has taught her. I like that each day also includes Our Heavenly Father's responses to Victoria's thoughts and prayers. Victoria Sponge uses everyday occurrences, such as trying to catch a field mouse to point out Our Heavenly Father's love and that He doesn't chase us but waits for us to come to Him. This book has really touched my heart and soul, I will be reading this book again and again as it is life changing fiction. I am including part of one of Victoria's prayers in the review as it is mine also even if I have never actually prayed it. "Oh. Lord. Please help me to be happy with who I am and with the gifts and challenges that You have given me." But after reading this book I will make this prayer part of my daily prayers. Just to show once again why I think this book is fantastic, here is a prayer that Victoria prays after her daughter dyes her hair pink. "Oh Lord, we all make mistakes; although I am not sure I have made a pink one! Help me to sort this one out or if this is not possible, then a friend who has knowledge of dealing with dyeing mistakes might be helpful." I love that Victoria talks to our Lord as a friend and not someone who is out of reach. Victoria Sponge is so honest in this book even about finding a pair of clean underwear and a lost television remote. There is one scene in this book that isn't an easy subject to deal with but Victoria relates it to the  suffering that Jesus suffered on the cross. This book really helps the reader understand that Jesus suffered all the same things that His people struggle with. There is another story at the end of Victoria's story and it is called "A Jewel In the Sponge". I love how the colors of the rainbow is described to Victoria's son Johnny. I am going to buy this book in print and give them out, yes the book is that good! I give "How To Make Victoria Sponge" by Margaret Kazmierczak five stars.

Simple Harvest Reads says:
If you are looking for a book that will absolutely change your life, pick up a copy of How to Make Victoria Sponge! I loved how the author wrote this book in a humorous, easily to relate to manner. The prayers are inspiring, the character of Victoria Sponge is relatable, and the plot-line is well written. If there was one book that I would say is a must read for this year, it is How to Make Victoria Sponge! An enjoyable read, a life-changing book. I give How to Make Victoria Sponge 5 out of 5 stars!

Bibliophile Reviews says:
Wake Up and Do! Sunday Morning: Pray, Eat, Blog… See what the day brings! Does it get your attention? Are you curious as to little pieces of the big picture of my morning? You are?! Well, then How to Make Victoria Sponge is for you. A great narrative by Victoria, a mom that is a mom after my own heart. We get to be in her mind. Hearing her silent prayers and daily activities. Victoria is a mom that juggles it all. I have spent so much time reading the same style that I forgot how much I love diary/journal formats in books. It grabs the reader, gives a new insight and keeps you wondering what will come next. I loved how there were silent prayers sent constantly through the character’s mind. That is a the part that stuck with me the most. Finally, a character that sends up prayers like I do! Victoria is a darling character, she is strong, a mama bear. But as a human we all have our weaknesses and Victoria does hit some bumps that make her faith stronger. I recommend this book for the mom needing a book that makes her nod in agreement, or for the woman that is juggling her own batter of life.

Petra’s Hope says:
This book is probably one of the most uniquely-written books I have ever read. It reads almost like an autobiography of a woman who lives a prayerful life. Victoria Sponge is an ordinary woman with an ordinary life, which so many women can relate to. Her struggles with every situation in which she finds herself is somehow refreshing to the reader when lived through prayer. Joys are multiplied, sorrows are shared, and pain is lessened by the presence of the Lord in each moment of her day. The reader sees how openly Victoria communicates with the Lord in a pure and honest way. The Lord is not represented as a distant Being, but rather an intimate Friend Who never leaves and is a part of every moment of ever day of a believer’s life.

His Grace is Sufficient says:
When I first got this book from Celebrate Lit, I really didn't know what to expect.  The title confused me, because I seriously thought it was a cooking book. However, I found this book to be delightful and thought provoking once I started reading. Victoria Sponge is a mother in the throes of life. Surrounded by her teenagers, working at a preschool, she faces many challenges that I can totally relate to (and she has four kids; I just have one!) From lighthearted problems to the more serious problem of her teenager facing depression, Victoria handles most of the things thrown at her with grace. The book is written in the first person, told from Victoria's perspective, and is basically a prayer. Yes, we're told to pray without ceasing in the Bible, and that is exactly what Victoria does. She uses life events, from the comical to the serious, to prompt her to pray... and  then listens as God reveals things to her about her self and others.This book helped me see how a conversation with God truly can be ongoing. I think we so often get hung up on formalities in prayer, but all God wants from us is just to turn to Him. I enjoyed this book and would give it 4 stars.

Onceuponatime says:
Everyone loves cake but this book isn’t a recipe for making a cake, instead, you’ll get a recipe for making it through life. The story’s main character and storyteller are Victoria Sponge. She wears many hats during the course of each day and the book is a type of daily journey of life’s ups and downs and how she embeds her faith and prayer to deal with life’s multitude of never ending struggles, sun up to sun down. Wife, mother, woman, teacher, friend, co-worker, supervisor of the household duties, yes we all have walked miles in those same shoes and many others that arise in the course of living life. The story antics, the problems, the experiences were entertaining, heartbreaking, uniting, and healing. I connected with similar experiences in my own life, over the years. Vicki shares the same frustrations and joys; she just uses every opportunity to give praise or to seek grace, guidance, and love within her to adjust her attitude in every situation. Her day begins with waking and acknowledging another day with yes Lord, for whatever the day brings and she opens her heart with mindfulness of other’s needs. She ends the days with gratitude for all she has seen His hands upon that day and prayers to guide her through any failures. She listens to hear God speak and when we too, open our hearts and focus our minds on Him we hear and feel His omnipresence. Good read as a devotional daily journey!

Link to purchase book: http://amzn.to/2dbi1aW

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Monday, 10 October 2016

Celebrate Lit book review blog tour stop 10

Celebrate Lit book review blog tour stop 10

Book review by Petra Creasy

My Thoughts:

This book is probably one of the most uniquely-written books I have ever read. It reads almost like an autobiography of a woman who lives a prayerful life.
Victoria Sponge is an ordinary woman with an ordinary life, which so many women can relate to. Her struggles with every situation in which she finds herself is somehow refreshing to the reader when lived through prayer. Joys are multiplied, sorrows are shared, and pain is lessened by the presence of the Lord in each moment of her day.
The reader sees how openly Victoria communicates with the Lord in a pure and honest way. The Lord is not represented as a distant Being, but rather an intimate Friend Who never leaves and is a part of every moment of ever day of a believer’s life.
I received this book for free. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


To celebrate her tour, Margaret is giving away a themed gift bag containing an apron, whisk, Bible, and a limited 1st edition paperback copy of How to Make Victoria Sponge! Click here to enter:

Link to purchase book: http://amzn.to/2dbi1aW

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Sunday, 9 October 2016

Celebrate Lit Christian book review blog stop 9

Celebrate Lit Christian book review blog stop 9

How to make Victoria Sponge by Margaret Kazmierczak - review by Debbie Curto.

"It is fun to read about someone just like me."

Victoria Sponge is a fictional character but she is a picture of any Christian wife and mother. Each day our Heavenly Father has a personal message to Victoria. I must also say that I especially relate to her because she is just like me in that she falls and bumps her head repeatedly, it is fun to read about someone just like me.

The chapters are the days of the week and start out with a morning prayer and there is an afternoon prayer and an evening prayer. Then it tells about the troubles of the day and we read Victoria's prayers to God and learn how she turns everything to thankfulness to Our Saviour and asks Him to help her to always remember the lessons that day's struggles has taught her. I like that each day also includes Our Heavenly Father's responses to Victoria's thoughts and prayers.

Victoria Sponge uses everyday occurrences, such as trying to catch a field mouse to point out Our Heavenly Father's love and that He doesn't chase us but waits for us to come to Him. This book has really touched my heart and soul, I will be reading this book again and again as it is life changing fiction.

I am including part of one of Victoria's prayers in the review as it is mine also even if I have never actually prayed it. "Oh. Lord. Please help me to be happy with who I am and with the gifts and challenges that You have given me." But after reading this book I will make this prayer part of my daily prayers.

Just to show once again why I think this book is fantastic, here is a prayer that Victoria prays after her daughter dyes her hair pink. "Oh Lord, we all make mistakes; although I am not sure I have made a pink one! Help me to sort this one out or if this is not possible, then a friend who has knowledge of dealing with dyeing mistakes might be helpful." I love that Victoria talks to our Lord as a friend and not someone who is out of reach.

Victoria Sponge is so honest in this book even about finding a pair of clean underwear and a lost television remote.

There is one scene in this book that isn't an easy subject to deal with but Victoria relates it to the  suffering that Jesus suffered on the cross. This book really helps the reader understand that Jesus suffered all the same things that His people struggle with.

There is another story at the end of Victoria's story and it is called "A Jewel In the Sponge". I love how the colors of the rainbow is described to Victoria's son Johnny.

I am going to buy this book in print and give them out, yes the book is that good!

I received a complementary copy and the opinions expressed are my own.

I give "How To Make Victoria Sponge" by Margaret Kazmierczak five stars.


To celebrate her tour, Margaret is giving away a themed gift bag containing an apron, whisk, Bible, and a limited 1st edition paperback copy of How to Make Victoria Sponge! Click here to enter:https://promosimple.com/ps/a416

Link to purchase book: http://amzn.to/2dbi1aW

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Thursday, 6 October 2016

Christian book review Celebrate Lit blog stop 8

Christian book review Celebrate Lit blog stop 8

How to Make Victoria Sponge by Margaret Kazmierczak - A Review by Mary Ann Hake

This book is unique. 

I don’t recall ever reading a novel that combines appropriate, heartfelt prayers for the situations that arise in the characters’ lives. 

The Sponge family lives in England, so you get the British flavor and terms too, making it fun for American readers. 

I connected with Victoria, aka Vicki, and her desire to please the Lord. Her four active children (including three teens, one whom appears to be autistic) keep her hopping, and running to her Heavenly Father. 

I appreciate the sincerity and honesty she portrays, but could do without some of the TMI bodily functions, etc. 

Identity is one of the themes addressed in this rollicking story. Vicki seeks to find balance in her roles as wife, mother, preschool teacher, daughter of aging parents, and friend. 

Those around her have many needs, which tug at her heart and time. Each of her children have their own self-issues. 

This realistic look at daily life—with all that occurs in just seven days—syncs with Christ’s suffering during the week leading to His death. The tone remains hopeful and the tale helpful for anyone facing trials. 

It serves as a great example of how to draw lessons from the mess of everyday and grow spiritually. I think you could also just (re)read the prayers for inspiration. I received the book in exchange for an honest review.

Link to purchase book: http://amzn.to/2dbi1aW


To celebrate her tour, Margaret is giving away a themed gift bag containing an apron, whisk, Bible, and a limited 1st edition paperback copy of How to Make Victoria Sponge! Click here to enter:https://promosimple.com/ps/a416

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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Christian book review Celebrate Lit blog stop 7

Christian book review blog stop 7

A book can provoke all sorts of reactions from the reader. It may enthuse, annoy, not be their thing or cause them to think and question the contents. I love it when I see someone enthuse about a book in one review and then another is uncomfortable with the contents. Both are good reactions for the author. Today I had one of those interesting reviews where the book was not quite to the reader's taste. 
The reviewer of this blog stop states she had difficulty with the book. It was not her style and out of her comfort zone. However she read the book anyway. Her conclusion though was that God had something to teach her through this book. 
I would say that that acknowledgement by the reader, is in itself, a good revelation. Perhaps not a bad reflection of the book. It caused a realization that there is a need to look deeper into ones life, to reveal what state we are in, in relation to God. The book therefore has done its work. 

It may have only rated 3*'s in the mind of the reviewer, but maybe God has a 5* plan for this reviewer. 

I really had no idea what a book entitled “How to Make Victoria Sponge” might be about – maybe a woman who bakes? Not exactly. Written in the form of a journal, this story is about an ordinary mother of four and what happens when she wakes each morning and responds “Yes” to whatever the Lord has planned for her day. Actually Victoria is pretty extraordinary in the way she relates each and every thing that happens throughout her day to God.
In many ways, I had difficulty with this book. First of all, the style is not my usual cup of tea. I am one who enjoys a good dialogue between characters. There were times that I just couldn’t relate to the character because her thought process was so different than my own. But…”How to Make Victoria Sponge” did make me think…especially about my own shortcomings and how just maybe I need to be more open to the Lord’s leading myself. And sometimes, maybe the Lord has me read a book that is out of my comfort zone because He has something to teach me through it.
Victoria was a unique character and so inclined to one disaster after another. Written in a different style, some of her exploits would have been pure slapstick. But at the end of the day, no matter what had happened, Victoria knew she had done her best in the sight of her Lord. And that is exactly what we all should aspire to.

A copy of this book was provided for review by Celebrate Lit in exchange for a fair and honest review. 

Margaret Kazmierczak​'s How to Make Victoria Sponge available on Amazon for just $2.99 or free for Kindle Unlimited! 


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Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Christian book review blog spot 6

Christian book review blog stop 6

Is Victoria Sponge JUST a Cake??????? 

Don't forget to enter the giveaway!!

My Thoughts:  I must say that I just wasn't sure what to expect from this book, after reading the title!! As my husband comes from a British background, I knew what Victoria Sponge is! It is a cake! But how can a novel be about a tasty treat?? 

It turns out that Victoria Sponge is NOT a cake. She is a wife and mother, one who encounters all kinds of everyday trials, as does every female in her position. This book can be considered unique in the very different angle in which the story is told. It is a tale of a British family, however as it deals with their daily lives, it also combines a devotional, prayerful activity into the most unusual situations. This novel takes us through the everyday life of a mom in England who has one wanting to laugh and cry alongside with her as she meets the trials of life. Everyone needs a part of her!! Moms, doesn't that sound familiar??  But, as we meet the bumps in the road of her life alongside her, she also reminds us that we have to take time to reflect on our Lord. We need His help to get through.

 This novel was a light read, enjoyable, one that makes you realize that you too must depend on the One above to keep positive.

This book was supplied by the author and Celebrate Lit in exchange for a fair and honest review. 

Margaret Kazmierczak​'s How to Make Victoria Sponge available on Amazon for just $2.99 or free for Kindle Unlimited! 


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Monday, 3 October 2016

Christian book review blog stop 5

Christian ebook review day five

My Two Cents

I had the wonderful opportunity to review this book. Let me just say that it has become one of my favorite books. As I was reading this, I found myself laughing and crying alongside Victoria. Her characters are easy to relate to, and they feel so realistic (this is one feature I always look for in fiction). One of my favorite things about this book is how Victoria prays as various trials or joys come her way. She is no way perfect, but she strives look to God in everything she does. If you haven’t purchased a copy of this book yet, I highly suggest you go out and purchase a copy right now!
Thank you to Celebrate Lit and the author for providing me with a free copy of this book. I was given this book in exchange for my fair and honest review. No monetary compensation was given.

Margaret Kazmierczak​'s How to Make Victoria Sponge available on Amazon for just $2.99 or free for Kindle Unlimited! 


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Saturday, 1 October 2016

Prayer 6 - Do you grasp those moments of joy?

Prayer 6

Do you grasp those moments of joy?...

Do you cherish those moments of joy, or do you miss their presence?

They can be fleeting in a busy life where stress is rife.

Take time to grasp this beautiful sense of relief. 

It is God given, receive it and thank Him for the moment.

He wants you to embrace joy.

“And so, my children, listen to me, for all who follow my ways are joyful. Listen to my instruction and be wise. Don’t ignore it. Joyful are those who listen to me, watching for me daily at my gates, waiting for me outside my home! For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 8:32-35 (NLT)

He loves you.

God bless,

Margaret xx

Author of How to Make Victoria Sponge

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